PR Code Reviewer Icon PR Code Reviewer

Transform your GitHub pull requests with AI-powered code reviews

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Key Features

Intelligent Reviews

Get instant, detailed feedback powered by OpenAI's GPT-4

Lightning Fast

Set up in seconds, get reviews in moments

Privacy First

Your code, your API key, complete control

How It Works

File picker interface

1. Smart File Selection

Choose which files to review with the intuitive file picker. Focus on what matters most.

2. Initial Assessment

Get a quick overview of critical issues, security concerns, and potential improvements.

Initial review
Detailed feedback

3. Comprehensive Analysis

Receive detailed recommendations with practical code examples and best practices.

4. Interactive Discussion

Ask questions and get clarifications about specific parts of your code.

Chat interface

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my code secure?

Your code is only analyzed using your personal OpenAI API key. The extension runs entirely in your browser - there are no intermediate servers, so your data is kept secure.

Do I need an OpenAI API key?

Yes, you'll need your own OpenAI API key to use the extension. This ensures you have complete control over the API usage and costs.

Which types of code can it review?

The extension can review any programming language or framework that appears in your GitHub pull requests. However, avoid using it with proprietary or sensitive code.

How much does it cost?

The extension is free! You only pay for your OpenAI API usage, which typically costs a fraction of a cent per code review depending on the size of your changes.

How do I get started?

1. Install the extension 2. Add your OpenAI API key in the options 3. Navigate to any GitHub PR and click the extension icon. It's that simple!

Is it open source?

Yes! The extension is fully open source. You can review the code, contribute, or report issues in the GitHub repository.

Ready to transform your code reviews?

Join developers who are saving hours on code reviews every week

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